what this is

From about 1992 to 2005, I was a regular player on several MUSHes and took to recording the adventures of my various characters. To this day I have a substantial archive of those logs, which I maintain here on my site. I look back fondly on that time of my gaming life, and still have several online friends I met during those years. So I maintain this page in honor of that.

newly posted logs

I don’t add new logs to this archive often, but do still post some occasionally as I have time to put them in. So if you’re one of the folks who actually likes to visit my log archive every so often and would like to know which logs are recently posted, check out the page for newly posted logs.

old logs

missing logs

Back in 1998 murkworks.net had a huge hard drive crash — and I lost a bunch of my roleplay logs. I don’t expect to get back any of them, but just in case anyone is interested I have a list of the missing logs in my archive.

search my logs!

I have over a thousand logs in my archive. If you’d like to find a particular subset of logs — e.g., all of my Han Solo logs roleplayed in March of 1999, or all of my Faanshi logs with Mehul in the log cast, or whatever — you can do that on my logs search page.