preview the book

Two months should be long enough for a girl to learn to cope when she finds out she’s half-Sidhe, or so Kendis Thompson has convinced herself. She wants nothing more than as normal a life as possible, playing her violin and pursuing her growing relationship with Christopher, Warder Second of Seattle. But when the Unseelie bard Elessir falls through a portal out of Faerie, bringing with him a ghostly peril that puts her best friend Jude’s life and sanity in danger, Kendis must test the strength of her new magic. And when the bone walker Melorite threatens all of the Emerald City, Kendis must fight to save everyone she loves—even if it means succumbing to the dominion of the Unseelie Court.

about the book

Bone Walker, book 2 of The Free Court of Seattle, was released in 2015. This novel is set two months after Faerie Blood, and lays down some stakes that will affect Kendis and those she loves for the rest of her life. And since it involves Elessir considerably, it’s quite near and dear to my heart. I’m hoping you’ll enjoy this installment of the series as much as I enjoyed writing it.

While Bone Walker is book 2 of the series, it can be read as a standalone.

(Though I do of course recommend you read Faerie Blood as well! I do provide some background context from the first book for anyone who comes in on this one, and some readers have told me I succeeded at the attempt. But other readers’ mileage may vary.)

buy the book

Here are all the major places where you can buy the ebook edition of Bone Walker, and you can find even more on the book’s page at


print edition

Bone Walker is not currently available in print, as I lost my previous print provider and am in the middle of transitioning to printing via Amazon and Ingram. If you’d like to be notified when a new print edition of the book is ready, I encourage you to follow me on Mastodon, or simply watch this site for updates.