• Site update

    Site update

    Another move, this time to my house net at murkworks.net. Moonlight’s bio tweaked to show her name change from Twilight to Moonlight.

  • Site update

    Site update

    Willowholt homepage moved to murkworks.net; notes on Holt customs and how to join the tribe added to the Intro page; Chitter bio added. Rainfire bio filled in with what’s set on his +info.

  • Site update

    Site update

    Guide to the local Willowholt flora has been added. Features details on Sweetleaf’s various shrooms.

  • Site update

    Site update

    I discovered that for some reason I lost the file with Rainfire’s bio; I’ve begun work to reconstruct it. I’ve also added a little bit to the Holt history page. Nightwisp’s player has submitted art for the page, and this art can now be found on it: check out Nightwisp’s bio for a picture of…

  • Site update

    Site update

    Nightwisp’s bio added; a new log, sbow-sending.log, added to the logs page.

  • Site update

    Site update

    “What’s New” page added. Rainfire’s bio updated; Holt members list has been updated to reflect Twilight’s name change to Moonlight, and Starcrawler has been removed from the Holt guest list.