The Photos section of this site is what I’m currently working on, and I came up with a header for that that satisfies me. It shows my iPhone sitting on the same stand I often use for my Steam Deck, right next to one of our couch pillows. I’ve got the iPhone’s blue leather case open, and its camera app up. On the app, you can see the corner of the pillow.

Took me a bit to figure out what I wanted that to look like, not to mention how to actually get the picture. Answer: took the pic with my iPad! Which was convenient, given that I had to get the pic onto the iPad anyway to throw it through Waterlogue and give it the same watercolor type style I’m using on the rest of the site headers.

This also means I’m having to import over all the galleries of photos from This will take a while, because not all of them are actually used in the main photos section–a bunch of them are actually in posts.

So I’m also starting to port over the posts from Those go clear back to 1996, mind you. I doubt anybody cares about those at this point but me, just given that almost all of the ancient “what I last did to update my site” posts reference updates that will not persist into this version of the site. But I’m keeping them anyway, just for the ongoing running record of my presence on the web. Never erase what you can’t replace, and all that.

I’ve pulled over just about everything I wanted off of So all of my major book pages are in place here, and so is the link off to my Square store. All book pages have been doublechecked to see if their links are current. I think I got everything. But if anyone finds anything that’s still broken, do let me know.



