Category: Site Updates

  • Slowly whittling away at updating

    Slowly whittling away at updating

    Work on my new website in progress is ongoing. All book pages are copied in off of, and have been checked to fix broken links. Now porting in content, including photos, from

  • Some more work on this site

    Some more work on this site

    I let work on this site lag a bit over the last couple of months, but I haven’t forgotten it. And I had a new person actually buy one of my books lately, which reminded me that I really needed to get off the dime and finish updating this place. So, here’s a brief update.…

  • Vexing header problem, solved!

    Vexing header problem, solved!

    Posted to Mastodon about the issue I was having with the header I wanted to use on the blog home for this site–and actually got a solution, yay! The way to solve the problem turned out to be to adjust a setting on the Cover block at the top of the page. Instead of telling…

  • Vexing header issue

    Vexing header issue

    So I’ve been mucking around with the WordPress site editor, a new-ish bit of functionality that’s come in over the last several WordPress releases, and which is supposed to make it easier for you to design a website without having to really dig into the underlying code. I am… unconvinced. My problem is that I’m…

  • Bringing more of the book pages online

    Bringing more of the book pages online

    It’s a damn good thing I started working on bringing up live versions of my book pages on this new site, because I realized after checking that some of the preview and buy buttons are not working there. I don’t know how long that’s been the case. But it’s made it clear that I…

  • Second test post

    Second test post

    Putting up a second test post just to see how the blog page looks with more than one post on it. And also just to give a general update on the progress of this site, just because I’ve started posting example links to social media, and people might happen to wander by. If you are…

  • Putting up a new site

    Putting up a new site

    Ah, that fresh new website smell, wot? I’ve been recently very disgruntled about the word going around on social media about lately, in two major areas: one, the CEO of Automattic getting into a tiff with a trans user of Tumblr, and two, the word about Automattic selling data from users and Tumblr…

  • Site update

    Site update

    “What’s New” page added. Rainfire’s bio updated; Holt members list has been updated to reflect Twilight’s name change to Moonlight, and Starcrawler has been removed from the Holt guest list.