kaiulani in haven: glimpses of a shadow

A Little Marketplace Excursion — 6/27/00
Newly arrived in Haven, Pandion Kaiulani ventures out of the protection of the Korallion for her first look at the Rialto — unaware that, as he has done for so much of her life, her mysterious guardian is following her.
The Consequences of Action — 6/27/00
Having discovered her sister’s illicit foray into the Rialto, Alamoana lets Kaiulani know her displeasure in no uncertain terms; deeply chastened, Kai humbly apologizes, and reluctantly agrees to stay within the Korallion until her sibling tells her otherwise. Timewarped Log; Actual RP Date 6/28/00
The Piper and the Priestess — 6/28/00
On her second foray into the Rialto, Kaiulani indulges in listening to a piper’s music, then meets a priestess of Pasiphae who gives her her first hint that her family’s position in Haven might not be entirely favorable… all while Benja watches, only able to interact with the maiden by the chance intercession of a Mongrel street waif. Timewarped Log; Actual RP Date 6/27/00
Chat, With Occasional Knife — 6/28/00
Reluctantly obeying her sister Alamoana’s edit to stay for the time being within the Korallion, Kaiulani restlessly haunts its halls and chats for a time with Jasmine–and encounters the graisha Melei, who takes to Kai’s hair in a rather alarming fashion.
Commiserations — 6/29/00
Once more encountering Jasmine inside the Korallion, Kaiulani invites the young mother to keep her company within the embassy’s Rainbow Cavern pool; Kai shares something of her story of her mysterious protector with the other woman, and they commiserate about the trials of having to live under constant guard.
By Order of the Decemvir — 7/10/00
A morning swim during which she happens across her kinsman Sarojin and the priestess Okalani, mother of Sarojin’s heir, turns out to have chilling results for Kaiulani — and Benja.
An Ally in the Temple — 7/11/00
When her erratic control upon her agitated thoughts brings Kaiulani to their attention, the nobleman Rhys deliberately refuses to reveal his true identity to the maiden; the First Acolyte Naiadre, however, takes pity upon Kai and offers her advice on not only how to go about receiving training for her telepathy, but also on how perhaps to get a message of warning to her mysterious protector.
Comb Through the Currents — 7/12/00
After many days have passed without his catching a glimpse of his precious charge, Benja gets an opportunity to slip Kaiulani a gift… even past the watchful eyes of her guards, and the curious eyes of another lurker in the waters seen by neither Kaiulani nor her loyal protector.
Gift of a Name — 7/13/00
The overturning of a wagon in the Rialto nets Kaiulani the closest encounter she’s had with her guardian since her coming ashore into Haven — and nets Benja a treasure he has never before possessed, Kaiulani’s name.
Anything for a Sister — 7/20/00
Alamoana reveals to Kaiulani that she has met a man she suspects of being her younger sister’s mysterious guardian–but when Kai, in a burst of filial loyalty, offers to stand aside if her sister is drawn to the man, Alamoana staunchly asserts that he has eyes only for Kai. And, moreover, waxes wrathful when Kaiulani unhappily reveals Sarojin’s intention to have her guardsmen kill her protector if they cannot catch him.
All Things Happen By Pasiphae’s Will — 7/21/00
Fretful over the danger to her guardian — and full of agitation over the knowledge that her sister has met a man who may be he — Kaiulani meets a Lirite who presents her with a possibility about her protector she has never before considered.
Offering From the Heart — 7/23/00
Kaiulani ventures shyly into the Temple of Pasiphae, hoping to make an offering to the goddess on behalf of her nameless guardian; while she is there, she speaks with Okalani and Naiadre about not only her protector, but about her erratic telepathic control as well.
Benja’s Busy Evening — 7/24/00
Benja must secretly act on Kaiulani’s behalf not once but twice in one evening in the Rialto, as he witnesses her attempt to help an injured Sylvan girl… and then witnesses a mysterious cloaked figure seeming to follow her.
First Lesson — 7/24/00
The First Acolyte Naiadre gives Kaiulani her first lessons in telepathy that she’s had since childhood, in an attempt to teach the maiden better mental discipline; Kai, motivated by the prospect of possibly being better able to contact her unknown protector if her mind is stronger, applies herself with diligent will.
Swim of the New Moon — 7/28/00
Kaiulani and her guardsmen participate in the Great Swim in which the Atlanteans of both faiths join together to celebrate the New Moon; Makani is injured during the rigors of the event; Okalani suggests a startling notion that had never before occurred to Kaiulani, i.e., that her mysterious protector might love her.
Practice and Advice — 7/30/00
Meeting with Naiadre within the Korallion, Kaiulani has a chance to show the First Acolyte the fruits of her practice at the ‘tunnel’ exercise she’s been taught–and to share with Naia the latest news about her protector, and to gain advice from the other woman about him as well.
From the Shards of Their Lives Before — 8/3/00
Though the occasion can’t help but make her daydream about her protector, Kaiulani cheerfully attends the wedding ceremony for Makani and Artin in the Temple of Pasiphae within the Korallion and witnesses for the first time how worshippers of the Goddess conduct their rites of marriage.
Shopping for His… ‘Sister’ — 8/13/00
Overjoyed at his discovery that Kaiulani has left him a gift in the hiding place where he’d left her pipes, Benja makes a foray into the Rialto to purchase his next gift for her… only to be discovered by a curious Atlantean who elects to give him some assistance.
The Distrustful Decemvir — 8/18/00
Sarojin calls Kaiulani before him to inform him of his determination to capture and question her unknown protector, and to kill him without remorse if said protector’s motives do not meet with his approval — and never mind the aghast fury of Kaiulani and her sister Alamoana.
A Discussion on Trust — 8/20/00
Kaiulani has a chance encounter with the Warlord Sumai of the Varati — and even as she learns something of other races from him, she suffers a glimmer of doubt about her unseen protector and whether she can trust in her instincts about him as Sumai explains how the Varati would handle a situation such as hers.
Blood on the Snow — 9/9/00
Kaiulani and her two guardsmen run afoul of a pack of half-starved, half-feral city dogs in the Old City Garden… but as her guards defend her, Kai takes a tumble out of an icy, snow-covered tree, which leads in turn to Akane inadvertantly calling down the wrath of Benja when the shark hunter mistakes his intentions, and the wounded Benja carrying his beloved all the way back to the Korallion.
An Honor to Heal the Hunter — 9/10/00
The badly injured Benja, crumpled in the snow near the Haven docks, finds unexpected aid in the form of a desperately shy young healer in Varati garb.
The Wake for Lyre Talespinner — 11/5/00
Kaiulani and her guardsmen join a gathering of Mongrels, Sylvans, and other humble folk of Haven for a wake held to honor the passing of the Mongrel bard Lyre Talespinner.
Song Out of the Silence — 11/11/00
Drawn out by Kaiulani’s playing of his pipes just off the shore of Haven’s bay, though he never lets her actually glimpse him, Benja reaches out to his love for the first time via song — and then via speech.
Sarojin Stirs the Waters — 11/15/00
Though she is braced to accept punishment from her cousin for violating his wishes during her latest encounter with her guardian, how Sarojin chooses to answer it shocks Kaiulani: he assigns her a new guardsman, who is tall, handsome… and evidently quite taken with her.